The In Between

A simple message to say, it isn't always simple. However, we can recognize the other side of simple is dynamic. And with equanimity we find  'the in between'...right here is the magic. This is the space where we can consciously choose to land.

So from the space where you are right now....sip in another breath (don't exhale just yet) sip in just a little bit more. Choose to temporarily land in the space of expansion with that extra breath in. 

Mantra: I take up beautiful space. Body: Soft and gentle, optional smile. Breath: Held at the top for 5-4-3-2-1.

Next, an easy, deep, slow exhale, lands you. Beautiful body, mind and soul right here. And, in this moment we have arrived. 

Be. Here. Now. Be-Here-Now. Wherever the yoga carries you - choose to be here now. Namaste.

Gratitude for the gurus and bright lights along the path. Join us for the practice...


The balance of it all, through breath.