The balance of it all, through breath.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...and so it goes. May you begin today (again, wherever you are) with a full, conscious breath. The cycle of the breath is a circle, a spiral shape, an endless figure eight... How do you meditate on breath? The breath reminds us to balance nourishment, growth, love and guidance.
So, with the conscious, continuous inhale ∞ exhale…we roll out our mats, again and again. Join our beautiful, ever-evolving yoga community. The practice begins now.
The 4-part breath is elemental. Exhale earth for a count of 4-3-2-1. Be nourished as you are held in water, breath suspension for a count of 4-3-2-1. Inhale the element of growth, seen as wood, 1-2-3-4. Breath retention at the top. Invites fire, heat and love for 1-2-3-4. Sip a little more in…5-6. And, easy exhale, be guided. 1-2-3-4-5-6…Begin again, often.
Consider your intentions, a four part mantra to guide ‘pranayama’ (Sanskrit: breath work practice). Offering a suggestion to inspire and guide your pranayama practice. Inhale: I am expansion. Pause: I am light. Exhale: I am nourished. Pause: I am fully supported.
Namaste beautiful yogis ॐ