I Want To Be A River

A book was offered as a theme for our children and an upcoming yoga class…I Want To Be A River by Cécile Elma Roger … “The work speaks of ecology, but above all, of contagious freedom, the one that makes the spirit gallop without obstacles, wherever it can interfere.” -ActuaLitté

Exhaling this time with a gentle, little reminder, spirit is everywhere; in the river, and most certainly within us. Let Mother Nature be our constant reminder of the magic that surrounds. Indeed, there are many ‘qualities’ to describe the river; however, only one remains true through all seasons - connectedness.

So, beautiful modern day yogis…as your attention may be captured by the full moon rising. There is no coincidence your heart longs to dream the biggest dream!

Through the easy inhale and exhale, and without attachment (Sanskrit: Aparigraha) we cast our wishes out into the universe to manifest with the rising full moon, again and again.

What do you dream of? How much space does that dream take up? And, how can you make it bigger?

Now pause….what do you feel when that dream comes alive? (…peace, contentment, joy, curiosity, abundance, alive…)

Name it. Easy inhale. Easier exhale. Then, affirm it - in the present moment. I am (Sanskrit: Sat Nam). 

I am peace. Sat Nam Peace. Om shanti, shanti, shanti.


Karli Mae


The balance of it all, through breath.
